The best care
At Collins Family Planning Clinic, we have taken the way you feel about gynecology and male exams seriously. It is important to us that we meet your expectations, answer your questions, address your concerns and be considerate of your feelings.
We sincerely care about each and every one of our clients. You will feel at ease. You will feel comfortable in our pleasant and professional atmosphere.
Annual Exams
Annual physical exams are checkups that promote an overall healthy lifestyle and assess the propensity for future illnesses, and potentially develop a plan to prevent them from happening. Annual physical exams are different based on your age, while male and female exams may look a little different.
Pregnancy Test
A test carried out on a sample of urine or blood to determine whether a woman is pregnant.
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Test
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that you can get during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. A pregnant woman can also pass these STDs to her baby during birth.
This test is conducted to check for infection.
Referrals for Diagnostic
A referral is a written request from one health professional to another health professional or health service, asking them to diagnose or treat you for a particular condition.
Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception is birth control that helps to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. It is simply a higher dose of the same hormones used in common birth control pills. It is most effective if it is taken right away, but it can still work if it is used within three days (72 hours) after unprotected sex.
Birth Control and Counseling
Administration of birth control and describe a patient-centered approach to contraceptive counseling, including implications of women’s complex conceptualizations of pregnancy.
Pelvic Exam
​During a pelvic exam, a doctor or nurse examines your vulva and your internal reproductive organs — your vagina, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.​
Labwork - Glucose and Cholesterol Screening
Cholesterol and blood glucose may seem inconsequential or only important if an individual shows symptoms, however the reality is that a large amount of people are unaware they have a problem that could be serious. If left untreated, cholesterol and glucose problems can lead to sudden and long term illnesses such as a stroke or Type 2 diabetes.
Ultrasound and Mammogram
Diagnostic mammograms and ultrasounds of the breast are used to differentiate any benign or potentially cancerous abnormalities in breast tissue. During a screening mammogram, low dose X-rays are used which gives a general overview of breast tissue. We write referrals for this upon examination.
Hormone Balance - Evexipel
Optimize your hormones to help with libido, sleep, energy, mood and brain fog. Hormone therapy, bio-identical hormone at a fixed price of $350 for women, $750 for men.
HIV Prevention - PrEP
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is medicine people at risk for HIV take to prevent getting HIV from sex or injection drug use. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV.
Male Exams
Male physicals include an examination of the penis and testicles. The clinician looks for structural abnormalities, such as testicular tumors. He may also examine for a hernia, which may occur when part of the bowel pushes into the scrotum from the abdomen.
Breast Cancer Screening
It’s important to know how breasts normally feel and to be aware of any changes.
Preconception Counseling
Is a meeting by a healt care professional woman before attempting to become pregnant. It generally includes a pre-conception risk assessment for any potential complications of pregnancy as well as modifications of risk factors, such as increasing folic acid intake to reduce the risk of neural tube defects and counseling on smoking cessation, alcohol reduction, and medications that may compromise fetal development.
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening and Treatment
We offer screenings for STIs (Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, HIV). Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) — or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) — are generally acquired by sexual contact. The organisms (bacteria, viruses or parasites) that cause sexually transmitted diseases may pass from person to person in blood, semen, or vaginal and other bodily fluids. Sometimes these infections can be transmitted nonsexually, such as from mother to infant during pregnancy or childbirth, or through blood transfusions or shared needles.
Pap smear Test
A Pap smear test is a simple procedure that looks for abnormal cell changes in the cervix. The cervix is the lowest part of the uterus, located at the top of your vagina. The Pap smear test can detect pre-cancerous cells.
© 2021 by Collins Family Planning Clinic
1100 Bridgewood Drive, Ste #120, Fort Worth, TX
Tel: 817-922-8182